As a result of close and ongoing collaboration with the fisheries acoustics community, Echoview is used to analyze data from:
- Single-beam echosounders, including:
- Single-beam, dual-beam and split-beam systems
- Wideband/broadband systems
- Multibeam echosounders and sonars (including data from imaging sonars/acoustic cameras)
- Omnisonars and scanning sonars
- Acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCP)
- Cameras
- External sensors
Supported hardware
Echoview and Echoexplore are compatible with the data files logged by a wide range of hardware, and support is added for new formats as required. The complete and most recent list of supported formats is provided in the Echoview help file.
Single-beam echosounders
- ASL Environmental Sciences Acoustic Zooplankton Fish Profiler (AZFP)
- BioSonics model 102, DE4000, DE5000, DE6000, DT4000, DT5000, DT6000 and DTX series
- Furuno FCV-38 (in ICES SONAR-netCDF4 format), FQ80, ETR-30N, and FCV-30
- HTI Models 241, 243 and 244
- Kongsberg Discovery EA640, EA500, EY500, EA600 and EA400, Simrad EK80 (including WBT, WBAT, ES80), ES80, EK70, EK60, EK15, ES70, ES60, EQ60, EY60, EK500)
- Navico Lowrance fish finders
- Nortek Signature profilers (narrowband echosounder data)
- Precision Acoustic Systems PAS-103
- SciFish 2100
- SonarData EchoListener
- Sonic KFC and KFS series
- Zunibal ZSR
Wideband/broadband echosounders
- Kongsberg Discovery EA640 Simrad EK80 (including WBT, WBAT, ES80)
Multibeam echosounders and sonars
- Blueprint Subsea Oculus V1 series
- iXblue SeapiX
- Kongsberg Discovery EM series, M3, Flexview, Simrad SM2000, ME70, SH90 and SX90
- NORBIT Winghead and WBMS
- R2Sonic Sonic series recorded by QINSy or HYPACK
- Sound Metrics ARIS and DIDSON
- Teledyne BlueView 2D imaging sonars
- Teledyne Odom MB2
- Teledyne Reson SeaBat T20, 6K series, 7K series and 8K series
- WASSP WMB-3250 and converted data recorded by generation 3 systems
Omnisonar and scanning sonars
- Furuno FSV-25
- Kongsberg Mesotech MS 1000
- Simrad CS90, MF90, SC90, SH80, SH90, SN90, SP70, ST90, SU90, SX90 and SY50
- RD Instruments Workhorse series
- Video recorded to *.mov, *.avi, *.wmv, *.mpeg, *.mp4 or *.m4v files
- Still images saved as *.jpg or *.jpeg files
External sensors
- Data from selected external sensors such as GPS units, motion reference units (MRUs) and trawl sensors that is recorded to supported file formats listed above
Generic file formats
Unsupported file formats can be converted or written to generic formats for immediate use in Echoview. Echoview Software works with hardware companies to provide compatibility via the Echoview-defined binary EVD file format. Manufacturers using the EVD format include Exail (formerly iXblue) SeapiX and ZunibalZSR.
Other generic data file formats include text (CSV) file formats and the ICES standard HAC format.
Other hardware
If your hardware model is not listed but similar instruments from the same manufacturer are listed, Echoview may be able to read your files.
If your file format is not supported, but you would like it to be, we look forward to hearing from you.
More information can be found in our Data and Hardware Support brochure or simply send us a request and we will provide you further information.