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Echoview-Software-Alison-Wilcox.jpg Alison Wilcox Quality Assurance Manager Fish Pacific seahorse Hobbies Reading, video games, movies and board games with friends/family Random fact Played with lion cubs a couple of times
Echoview-Software-Bernd-Wechner.jpg Bernd Wechner Quality Assurance Engineer Fish Babelfish Hobbies Taxi driver for 3 children, bicycles, tabletop games, home tech Random fact Hitch-hiked around Australia for a year on $5000 in 2001
Echoview-Software-Brett-Merritt.jpg Brett Merritt CEO Fish Golden perch Hobbies Bushwalking, camping, gardening Random fact Once mustered cattle on Prenti Downs Station
Echoview-Software-Briony-Hutton.jpg Briony Hutton Chief Scientist Fish Leafy seadragon Hobbies Exploring the outdoors, travel, cooking and enjoying a glass of wine Random fact Has pet geese for lawnmowers
Echoview-Software-Charles-Weld.jpg Charles Weld Software Architect Fish Sunfish Hobbies Bush walking, travel, strategy games (computer and board) Random fact Once walked 800km across Spain
Echoview-Red-krill.jpg Chelsey McGowan-Yallop Hydroacoustics Specialist Fish Northern krill Hobbies Hill-walking, kayaking, gaming, learning Scottish Gaelic Random fact Goes camping with her dog and rabbit multiple times a year
Hydrospatial hydrography hydroacoustics staff Chris Free CFO/COO Fish Marlin Hobbies Playing and watching sport and holidaying with family Random fact Has lived in the Netherlands for 5 years
spiney lumpsucker Christine Weldrick Technical Writer Fish Pacific spiny lumpsucker Hobbies Projects that bridge art and science, exploring trails, reality tv (mainly Bravo shows), zooplankton, Japanese stationery, my cats. Random fact Once worked as a security guard throughout construction sites and hotels around Vancouver.
Echoview darryn fish.jpg Darryn Sward Quality Assurance Engineer Fish Common Bellowsfish Hobbies Gardening, playing video games, and hanging out with my neighbour’s cat Random fact Has been bitten by a flamingo
Echoview-Software-David-Atkinson.jpg David Atkinson ICT Officer Fish Ram cichlid Hobbies Steam trains, old machinery, bush walking Random fact Bungee jumping into Waikato River in New Zealand
Bartlett’s Anthias Gabe Gabriel Bell Junior Developer Fish Bartlett’s Anthias Hobbies Photography, Latin dancing, being a menace on the Dance Dance Revolution machine at the arcade Random fact I’ve visited 6 different countries in Asia
Echoview-Software-Geoff-Matt.jpg Geoff Matt Engineering Manager Fish Yellowtail kingfish Hobbies Photography, learning Japanese, all things bicycle Random fact Allegedly involved in crashing a spaceship into Mars
Echoview-Software-Haley-Viehman.jpg Haley Viehman Hydroacoustics Specialist Fish Atlantic herring Hobbies Travelling, art, being outside and playing with dogs that get close enough Random fact Credits herself with the discovery of the mashed potato omelette (patent pending)
Echoview Wobbegong Carpet Shark.jpg Joel Brand Senior Software Developer Fish Wobbegong shark Hobbies Guitar, piano, reading, gaming, spending time with friends and family Random fact Taught myself enough French during Covid to read the Hunger Games
Louise Marrus Siphonophore.jpg Louise McGarry Hydroacoustics Specialist Fish Marrus siphonophore Hobbies Exploring outdoors and local history, board/card games with friends, art-house movies, live music, fabric arts, ancestry Random fact Participated in a Poetry & Science Symposium: "When Scientists and Poets Study Together the World Gets Cooler"
Echoview-Software-Mathew-Woods.jpg Mathew Woods Senior Software Quality Assurance Engineer Fish Manta ray Hobbies Finding time to play Nintendo console games while chasing after a 2yr old Random fact Proposed to his wife by asking her to play a heavily modified custom ROM of Super Mario Bros 3 which had Mario pop the question at the end to Princess Peach
clownfish Mike Palin Regional Sales Manager (Europe) Fish Clownfish Hobbies Family adventures, Travel, Woodwork, Cycling, Formula 1 enthusiast Random fact Makes wooden bicycles
Miriam neon tetra.jpg Miriam Rule Marketing Manager Fish Neon Tetra Hobbies Painting seascapes, beaches, kayaking, piano, time with family and friends, food and wine Random fact I played the Mock Turtle in a high school production of Alice in Wonderland
cuttlefish pryia Priya Kitchener Quality Assurance Engineer Fish Broadclub Cuttlefish Hobbies Dancing, exploring the ocean, gardening Random fact My dad and I have free dived and spearfished in Storm Bay since I was a teenager
Echoview-Software-Pushkar-Piggot.jpg Pushkar Piggott Senior Developer Fish Octopus Hobbies Moving house, beach walking and photography Random fact Stands up to work
hairy frog fish small.jpg Rowland Washington Sales Manager Fish Hairy Frogfish Hobbies Snow skiing, mountain biking, collecting vintage Hi-Fi & synthesizers Random fact Was a DJ in a former life
Echoview-Software-Sarah-Woods.jpg Sarah Woods Finance and Administration Officer Fish Pufferfish Hobbies Collecting, playing Nintendo and making her two-year old do the “yay dance” Random fact Saw Fight Club at the cinema seven times
jellyfish Sharni Duggan Sales Administrator Fish Jellyfish Hobbies PC games, movies/shows, music, and hanging out with my partner and cats Random fact My hair has been dyed every colour of the rainbow.
Echoview-Software-Suenor-Woon.jpg Suenor Woon Documentation Lead Fish Blue tang Hobbies Reading, cooking, keeping up with her teenage son Random fact Was a glaciologist for three years and spent a summer in Antarctica in 1995/6
Echoview-Software-Toby-Jarvis.jpg Toby Jarvis Hydroacoustics Specialist Fish Opakapaka Hobbies Surfing, drumming, music recording and production, hanging with the dog, mountain biking, glamping and making stuff Random fact Once went for 10 days without talking
spotted handfishz.jpg Ziggy Schulz Software Developer Fish Spotted handfish Hobbies Bike Polo, Bushwalking, Board games Random fact Before I moved to Hobart as a child I lived in the small community around Uluru
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