Shrimp Farm Echoview Aquaculture

Interested in using hydroacoustics as a non-intrusive method to help manage your aquaculture business?

Echoview is the software to maximize the value of your data with confidence. Echoview does the hard work to convert your hydroacoustics data to information that helps you to:

  • Improve feeding efficiency
  • Understand aquatic animal behavior
  • Estimate size distribution
  • Calculate biomass

Both single beam and multibeam hydroacoustic data collected in net pens and ponds can be visualized, investigated, and quantitatively interpreted using Echoview.

In addition, Echoview can be used to interpret hydroacoustic data collected for environmental monitoring below a pen, or in the surrounds of an aquaculture installation.

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Offshore Aquaculture

Echoview has all the tools you need to process data from echosounders mounted in any location and orientation in a pen.

Use Echoview's large toolbox and flexible dataflows to extract information from single beam and multibeam data, and synchronize hydroacoustic data with video to further understand the acoustic properties, behavior, and biomass of aquatic animals.

Echoview can help you process your data to address topics such as:

  • Behavior and location of aquatic animals in the pen
  • Biomass
  • Size distribution
  • Shape and location of net

Echoview processing steps can be applied in near-real-time to data as they are collected, or saved for later analysis back on shore.

Talk to us about how you can get this information via our comprehensive adaptable software, and maximize the benefit to your own projects and requirements.

Inland Aquaculture

Inland ponds can present challenges for estimating aquatic animal size, density, and biomass through non-intrusive methods.

Turbid waters limit the use of cameras, and vertical hydroacoustics may not be effective in very shallow ponds.

Talk to us about ways Echoview can process data to provide the information you need for improved managements decisions. Data can be processed near-real time or back in the office.

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