Echoview for research
Echoview is a flexible, comprehensive, fully-documented, and rigorously tested scientific tool for processing data from a wide range of single-beam and multibeam echosounders and sonars, deployed in any kind of configuration on any platform.
Some of the many research applications of Echoview include:
- Stock assessment for marine and freshwater fisheries
- Derivation of inputs to ecosystem models
- Prey-field analysis for the study of marine predators (fish to mammals)
- Decision-making and compliance for commercial fishing
- Bottom classification for habitat studies
- Locating underwater gas seeps
- Mapping of submerged vegetation
- Interaction of fish with dams, renewable energy devices, and other human-made structures

We are always interested in working with you on research projects aimed at increasing the capabilities of echosounder data processing, or growing our understanding of how hydroacoustics can be applied to solve particular problems.
Please get in touch to discuss how we can work together.
Echoview for student projects and education
Echoview Software supports student research projects and learning. We sell annual leases of Echoview student licenses for undergraduates through to PhD candidates. Please contact us if you would like to discuss accessing an Echoview license to process hydroacoustic data as part of your project or learning.