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Vacancy – Biological Oceanographer in Victoria BC or Virtual (Canada)

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ASL Environmental Sciences is looking for a Biological Oceanographer to be a lead Subject Matter Expert, working with the consulting and products divisions.

The successful candidate will work with the ASL ocean and ice team to develop algorithms and processes to analyze bioacoustics data, particularly from ASL’s Acoustic Zooplankton Fish Profiler (AZFP). The candidate will also be able to work with ASL’s product division to support AZFP clients. Support of ASL’s remote sensing team will depend upon the candidate’s qualifications. Responsibilities include:

  • Subject Matter Expert for biological oceanography
  • Help develop algorithms and processes to analyze bioacoustics data
  • Teach and mentor other ASL employees and co-ops
  • Interpret and analyze data problems
  • Data visualization
  • Contribute to reports
  • Contribute to R&D to future hardware development
  • Support and collaboration with current and future ASL bioacoustic clients
  • Support and collaborate on remote sensing projects if qualified
  • Present results to clients and at conferences/trade shows

ASL Environmental Sciences is based in Victoria, B.C., Canada and has more than 40 years of experience in acoustics, oceanography, ice research, remote sensing and operational services.

For further information please visit

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