Today, 11 February, is the United Nation’s “International Day of Women and Girls in Science” which supports full and equal access to science for women and girls.
At Echoview Software, our female staff are renowned agents of change, bringing talent and innovation to the hydroacoustic community. Their expertise across science, mathematics, engineering and information technology as well as sales, marketing and administration is vital to ensuring our software continues to advance.
Our eight fabulous females bring in over 100 years collectively of Echoview experience to our clients and the sector.
Over the next month Echoview is highlighting some of these amazing women to recognize their achievements in science as well as more broadly in the lead up to International Women’s Day on 8th March.
We are pleased to introduce Echoview’s longest-standing employee, Product Manager, Ms Briony Hutton. This week Briony has celebrated 20 years at Echoview. A remarkable tenure that has her supporting research and projects with scientists, governments and businesses globally.
Her contributions to the hydroacoustic community are respected industry-wide and we are proud to have her as a senior member of staff.

Name: Ms Briony Hutton
Job title: Product Manager
Q. What do you enjoy about your role at Echoview Software?
We make awesome, high-quality software that’s used in a huge variety of interesting ways. We get to work with customers and technology partners all around the world, and help them to make the most out of this unique type of data. I get more excited than I should about checking what emails have landed in my inbox overnight - what new questions are there to answer or challenges are there to solve! Our company of 23 people contains a terrific group of humans who support and encourage each other. There’s so much passion and commitment to continue building and growing Echoview (the product) and Echoview Software (the company). And finally, I love that I can do all of this in my home state of Tasmania.
Q. What led you to where you are today?
In February 2002 I was offered some short-term work to help with testing Echoview installers (I think it was version 2.25). This was a two-week job during my university holidays – and that two-week job has lasted twenty years! I’m forever appreciative of being made a full-time employee after completing my undergraduate degree, and given the flexibility to undertake a master’s degree a few years later. Throughout the years I’ve contributed to a variety of areas in the company, from testing Echoview, customer support, marketing, and product management. And although I started out in more of a computing role, I’m a biologist and most passionate about research. Moving from hands-on testing to instead directly supporting and communicating to scientists and planning Echoview’s future directions to address many different needs really resonates with me.
Q. What do you like about working for a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) company?
There’s always - ALWAYS - something new to learn, and often it’s not easy but when you get there, it can be hugely satisfying. I love seeing how the hydroacoustics community is using our software to generate new knowledge, which then supports sustainable use of the world’s resources. I also really enjoy helping people to get their work done more efficiently and effectively, so that more time can be spent on their research. Finally, the opportunity to travel the world for conferences, to meet with our customers, or to head out on a vessel is something I’ll remember forever.
Q. What advice would you give to young women thinking about pursuing a similar career?
Be open to any opportunity that comes your way, be it a new role or a chance to learn new skills. Education is key for building personal and professional skills. Find people that are doing something that you admire, and take notes on how they achieve it. Understand that sometimes you will feel “imposter syndrome” and struggle with confidence – but so does everybody else (especially women), so do your best to be conscious of it and then push past that kind of feeling. Celebrate the success of those around you, as well as your own. There’s no one right way to build a career, and you never know where life will take you!