Echoview is committed to providing compatibility with an unrivaled range of echosounders and sonars.
We regularly add support for new data types and file formats to Echoview as a result of our close and ongoing collaborations with hardware manufacturers and the research community.
Coming soon… Echoview 15! This upcoming release includes support for:
- Kongsberg Discovery’s MS70, a high-resolution multibeam scientific sonar.
- Roll, pitch, heading and heave data in nwsf data files recorded by Electronic Navigation Ltd’s WASSP multibeam sonar.
- A selection of platform and transducer parameters (including device names, water level, depth, and offsets) in Simrad EK60 and Kongsberg Discovery EK80 will be automatically read from file and applied to Platform and Transducer objects in the Dataflow window.
- Transducer impedance measurements in Kongsberg Discovery EK80 (and related formats) narrowband data. Impedance statistics are calculated and can be explored by segment or for the transducer as a whole using graphs.

Example of median impedance (Ohms) reported for a transducer sector in Kongsberg Discovery EK80 data.
These additions build on our already extensive list of compatible systems - Echoview supports data from over 75 echosounders and sonars across 18 brands. For a full list please see here.
Echoview 15 will be available for beta testing soon, and will be officially released in the second half of 2024.
To be notified when new releases are available, please join our mailing list.