Echoview Software is excited to launch Echoexplore 4
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Manage your hydroacoustic data files effortlessly: introducing Echoexplore 4.
Designed to make cataloging large numbers of hydroacoustic files as simple and convenient as possible, Echoexplore 4 is the essential tool you need.
Echoexplore identifies compatible echosounder and sonar data files on your local computer or local network, extracts basic information, and creates a convenient catalog that allows you to browse the data that has been located.
Whether you want to find particular data sets, sort and browse through lists or maps, filter based on parameters such as geographical position, date, time, hardware model, pulse duration, transmitted power and more, Echoexplore is the tool you need.
Echoexplore 4 supports an extended range of data file formats, and offers a suite of helpful tools for exploring your data.
For those using the licensed features of Echoexplore, version 4 is a free upgrade available for all existing Echoexplore and Echoview Survey Suite license holders.
For more information on Echoexplore 4, please visit our webpage here, or contact to discuss your options.

Key highlights of Echoexplore 4:
New file format support
Unlock the power of Echoexplore 4! Echoexplore 4 is now geared to read an expanded range of files, allowing you to catalog an even wider range of data formats - and matching Echoview’s supported data formats.
With Echoexplore 4, effortlessly navigate through all files compatible with Echoview, ensuring a smooth journey for all your acoustic data requirements.
Scan, sort and catalog data formats from more than 75 echosounder and sonar models from ASL Environmental, Blueprint Subsea, BlueView, Furuno, Kongsberg Discovery, Navico, Norbit, Nortek, R2Sonic, Reson, Simrad, Sonic, Sound Metrics, WASSP, and more.
For a full list of data file formats supported in Echoexplore, please visit here.
Expanded licensing
Introducing new options for license activation and management. Echoexplore 4 includes support for software licenses, with more license types available soon.
File indexing
Echoview index (EVI) files are created by Echoexplore and Echoview to speed up access to echosounder data.
In Echoexplore 4 you will experience faster data access with file indexing, seamlessly handling existing files and effortlessly creating new EVI files where none exist.
Operating system support
Echoview 4 is compatible with Windows 10 and Windows 11 operating systems.
Echoexplore licensing
An Echoexplore license allows you to catalog and view an unlimited number of data files, and to browse files located on network drives. Without a license, Echoexplore will list a maximum of 2000 data files, and display data files that are found on your local computer.

Echoview: Survey Suite
Explore | Review | Manage
Echoview® is our flagship software, providing a reliable and flexible platform for analyzing data collected from various single-beam and multibeam echosounders.
One of Echoview’s licensing options is Survey Suite, designed to support the collection, visualization and cataloging of echosounder and sonar data, whether in the field or in the office. Survey Suite provides an efficient, cost effective, flexible, and reliable solution for those working with hydroacoustic data in diverse research and survey settings. Some of the key features of Survey Suite include:
- Read data and display echograms from supported systems.
- Save echograms as image files.
- Annotate echograms using regions, and export annotation logs.
- Display and explore echograms, cruise tracks and 3D curtains in realtime from selected Simrad, BioSonics, Sound Metrics and Kongsberg echosounders and sonars.
Survey Suite also includes a license for Echoexplore!
Key recent updates to Survey Suite: Echolog
Alongside the new features available in Echoexplore 4, we’re recently released new capabilities in Echolog that are relevant to Survey Suite license holders. Echolog broadcasts raw data to enable live viewing in Echoview. The latest range of updates include:
Subscription to Simrad EK80 software
Echolog can now subscribe directly to Simrad’s EK80 REST API, enabling it to receive data from a server via HTTP commands. Echolog's data subscription option provides the ability to modify the resolution of EK80 data being viewed in real time, without changing the resolution of the raw data that’s being recorded. For high-resolution EK80 data, this gives the ability to balance the resolution of sample data with performance when live viewing data in Echoview.
To use this option, select the subscription option for the data file format and link to a pre-defined configuration file in the Echolog settings dialog, shown below.

Trial Echoexplore or Echoview Survey Suite
Would you like to trial Echoexplore 4 or Echoview’s Survey Suite?

You can download Echoexplore here.
Interested in Echoexplore but don’t yet have a license? Please contact for further information or visit our Echoexplore page here.
For more information on Echoview’s Survey Suite please visit our webpage here or email us on