Echoview Software congratulates the recent student graduates in the WASCAL (West African Science Service Centre on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use) Master's in Climate Change and Marine Sciences program.
The program aims to provide theoretical understanding and applied skills so students can develop solution-orientated projects in marine sciences and management in a climate change context. A part of the program involves students being able to participate in a research expedition on the WASCAL Floating University.
The March expedition traversed the waters between Mindelo (Cape Verde island of São Vicente) and along to Bremerhaven.

On board, the students were supported by scientists from GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel and the Thünen Institute of Sea Fisheries in Germany as well as the Instituto do Mar (IMar) and the Universidade Técnica do Atlântico (UTA) in Cabo Verde.
Prof. Corrine Almeida, Director of the Program at the Institute of Engineering and Marine Sciences (Atlantic Technical University) said, “This master program is being implemented in the framework of the WASCAL…an entity which is established in 11 West Africa countries and is funded by the German Federal Ministry on Education and Research.”
“When you are studying marine science it is crucial that you not only talk about the ocean but that you want to work with it and be close to it. Many of us took part in the Master Program because it gives us an opportunity to take part in a real research expedition.”

“The students used Echoview in the course on Hydroacoustics in fisheries and marine ecology. In addition, two students used Echoview to analyse data for their master thesis and there is another one doing the same. They found it friendly and with the use of the support material they were able to get well trained.”
“For the courses on hydroacoustics in fisheries and marine ecology the lecturers usually provide data from different sources that came from other cruises.”
During this particular course, the echosounder used was a SIMRAD WBT Mini with a ES38-18/200-18C transducer.

The WASCAL Floating University learning curriculum includes lectures on topics such as ocean observation and marine ecology as well as practical research such as measurements of surface properties of the ocean.
Echoview Software was pleased to support this program and we look forward to hearing about the work of WASCAL and their future expeditions and trainings.