Echoview Software Pty Ltd (formerly Myriax Software Pty Ltd) was established as Sonardata Tasmania Pty Ltd in 1995.
The company is now widely recognized as the global leader in the development of hydroacoustic visualization and analysis software for the global scientific community. The company’s flagship product, Echoview®, has become the standard for advanced hydroacoustic studies in marine and freshwater environments. The company’s newest product, Echoexplore, is used to locate and browse the vast catalog of hydroacoustic data files recorded by researchers using echosounders and sonars.
Today, Echoview Software meets the needs of hundreds of research institutes, government organizations and businesses in over sixty countries. Users include NOAA Fisheries, US Geological Survey, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), Oregon State University, Marine Scotland, Idaho Power, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology and the Fisheries Research Agency, Japan.
You will find Echoview Software’s home base in Hobart, the capital city of the Australian island state of Tasmania. Hobart is internationally respected for its Antarctic and Southern Ocean science, education and research community. We are right in the middle of a world class research hub amongst national and international Antarctic and Southern Ocean organizations including; Australia’s Antarctic Division (AAD), CSIRO’s Division of Marine and Atmospheric Research, Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre (ACE CRC), Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS), the Australian Maritime College, the Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS), the International Antarctic Institute (IAI) and the Commission of the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR).
Echoview Software is backed by Starfish Ventures, a supporter of innovative Australian technology companies.
Contact us to find out how Echoview Software can help meet your hydroacoustic data processing and analysis needs.
"Before we had Echoview, my time was invested in syntax and coding in order to ask questions of the data. Now, with Echoview, I am able to focus on the ecological questions I want to ask of the data. Once those questions are formalized into the Workflow, Echoview does all the heavy lifting. Echoview allows my investment of intellect to stay closer to the reasons I do this work - ecological insights."