Echoview Software works with governments, scientists, commercial fisheries, and NGOs globally to support the understanding and sustainable use of aquatic resources by providing best-practice hydroacoustic data processing software.
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Tailored solutions for hydroacoustic data processing in marine environments and ecosystems.

As the world’s most comprehensive, flexible, and trusted tool for hydroacoustic data processing in freshwater environments, Echoview saves you time by helping you create repeatable, robust, and automated methods to quantify fish and other organisms in your echosounder and sonar data.

Echoview can be used in real-time or back on land to support decision making when optimizing your commercial fishing operations.

View, analyze, and process hydroacoustic data to support environmental assessments and monitoring of a variety of engineering and infrastructure projects.

Echoview is a flexible, comprehensive, fully-documented, and rigorously tested scientific tool for research. We collaborate with researchers and also support learning through the provision of student licenses.

Single beam and multibeam hydroacoustic data collected in net pens and ponds can be visualized, investigated, and quantitatively interpreted using Echoview.
Echoview offers three licensing options for your organization: Analysis Suite, Survey Suite, and Habitat Classification.
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Analysis Suite
For those needing the full power of Echoview and its extensive tools for exploring, processing, and analyzing hydroacoustic data.
Survey Suite
Designed to support the collection, visualization, and cataloging of echosounder data, whether in the field or in the office.
Habitat Classification
Characterize and classify the nature of submerged vegetation and the bottom from echosounder backscatter measurements.

Case study: Species ID using multifrequency echosounder data
Middle East Technical University, Turkey
Learn more View allEchoview 15: Dynamic | Streamlined | Intuitive
Enhanced user experience
Discover the many new features and operators that will empower you to streamline your workflow and extract the best results from your data
Process even more types of hydroacoustic data
Echoview 15 also supports: Kongsberg Discovery’s MS70, a high-resolution multibeam scientific sonar, and roll, pitch, heading and heave data in nwsf data files recorded by Electronic Navigation Ltd.’s WASSP multibeam sonar.
Echoview 15 is available to all license holders with an up-to date Maintenance and Technical Support (MATS) plan or an active subscription or lease
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We’re excited to participate and exhibit at the International Conference on Eco-Hydrology and River Connectivity (Fish Passage 2025), March 30 – April 3, 2025, at China Three Gorges University in Yichang, Hubei.
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We are pleased to be attending Ocean Business 2025, 8-10 April at the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, UK.
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Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel is advertising for a PHD student to work on 'Acoustic remote sensing of habitats inside and outside rising offshore wind farms'.
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Welcome to our first edition of our newsletter for 2025.
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We recognise our incredible women who contribute their expertise, innovation, and passion to the world of hydroacoustics.
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