# EV script 015 - Open and close Echoview.pl # Example Echoview COM script originally submitted to the Echoview forum by Marcel Losekoot (Farallon Institute for Advanced Ecosystem Research) # Downloaded from www.echoview.com # For assistance, contact Echoview support use strict; # use strict variable declaration rules use Win32::OLE; # Windows OLE library for COM interface # load Echoview and obtain a handle to the application, or quit with an error message my $ev = Win32::OLE->new("EchoviewCOM.EvApplication") or die("Cannot load Echoview\n") ; # call the Version method, it returns a string with the Echoview version number my $version = $ev->Version() ; # wait for 10 seconds sleep(10) ; # make Hello World appear in the Echoview message window $ev->Log("Hello World\n") ; # wait for 10 seconds sleep(10) ; # quit Echoview $ev->Quit() ; # print version number to the command window print "You connected to Echoview version: $version\n" ;